Moments from Haiti... The power of God's love
Jesus preached that love is the core of the human response to God (see Matt 22:34-40). What made Haiti so impactful for me is that I saw this theological truth in the faces of children. The boys and girls in the orphanage have known various degrees of mistreatment, abuse, and abandonment. They are now in an environment where, for the first time, they are saturated with God's love. You can see in their faces the transformation that is taking place as they go from closed to open, hard to soft, begging to giving. They are like flowers that open their petals to receive sunlight. They soak up love like sponges soak up water. They are irresistable for that very reason. David Benner writes this in his book Surrender to Love... "Christianity is the world's great love religion. The Christian God comes to us as love, in love, for love. The Christian God woos us with love and works our transformation through love. "In spite of the trivializing influence of romantic and sentiment...