Being sick can work FOR your spiritual life
It's the time of the year when bugs of many kinds are hitting people -- flu, soar throat, cold, etc. Odds are, you are probably going to get sick before the winter is over. What do you do with your spiritual life when you are sick? You certainly pray and receive prayer for health. But what if you remain ill? Here are four ways being sick can actually work for your spiritual life. 1. Being sick is a way of pressing the "stop" button. Most of us live at too hectic a pace. It's one of the reasons we get sick in the first place. When we are sick, we have no choice but to stop all or most of our activity and simply rest. When we are stopped, it's a good time to simply be God's son or daughter. 2. Being sick reminds us of our weakness. Hand in hand with busy-ness is the illusion that we are more valuable to ourselves, the world, and God when we are being productive and exerting control over our piece of the world. Laying on the couch because we don't fee...