Luminous Friday: Has God's mission seeped into our bones or is it a hobby?
On this sunny Friday, I would like to ask a question about who we are as Christians. In contemporary circles, we Christians like to talk about being “missional.” That usually means we want to make it a high priority to make a difference in the world through acts of compassion, mercy, and justice. I lead a missional church. We often remind ourselves that we are there for the “89%.” That’s the 89% of people in the Sacramento region who don’t attend church. We are convinced that the church is perhaps the only organization that exists for the sake of the people who don’t belong to it. As much as I embrace and participate in the missional movement in today’s church, I often wonder whether we have pushed the missional question deeply enough. It’s easy to make “missional” something we do rather than who we are. Church drifts into becoming about the 11%, with the 89% being served only to make the 11% feel better about themselves. I have sometimes called this “churchianity.” How ca...