Inside the head of King David: "Get out of bed!"
Ever wish you could get inside the head of King David? It's not too hard. Of all the biblical writers, King David is the most open about his self-talk. But I particularly love this one: "Come on, self. Get out of bed! Sing!" Here's the scene. King Saul has been chasing young David around the countryside. Saul wants to run a spear through David's gut. Psalm 57 takes place in a cave where David has taken refuge. With the terror of having a bounty put on his head by the most powerful man in the land, can you imagine how exhausted David must be? It's about 5:00 in the morning -- not quite light yet. All is quiet except the sounds of David's companions sleeping. Here's what he says to himself: "Awake, my soul. Awake, harp and lyre! I will awaken the dawn." (verse 8) It's basically a pep talk to himself. "Come on, self. Get out of bed! Sing!" Inside the head of King David: The greatest worshipper of all time had to ...