Why do I preach? And why do you go to church?
Why do pastors preach sermons? Because that's what all pastors do? Because the Bible tells us to preach? Because of something else? For that matter, if you go to church, why do you do that? What do you hope happens when you go to church? To be honest, these are not easy questions to answer. As a pastor, I sometimes get into the middle of the week, and I feel like I'm preparing to preach because Sunday's coming, and I'm supposed to preach. I mean, that's my job. I don't always stop to ask the deeper question, why am I doing this? What do I hope happens when I preach? I credit another pastor, Andy Stanley, for insisting that we pastors ask the deeper questions about why we preach (see his book Communicating for A Change ). So I'll come out with it. I hope people at Sanctuary are inspired to be with God, listen to him, and do what he says . I've talked about this at church before. It's simple, but when we relate to God and obey him, the best thing...