The Shack and the postmodern world
I have found The Shack , by William Young, to be a springboard for many lessons in theology, especially as it pertains to a postmodern interpretation of God. I am not advocating for or against a postmodern interpretation of God, although I find that much of what is being stirred up in our cultural transition to postmodernism is very good for the church. At any rate, The Shack draws us into that discussion in an engaging way, and for that reason, I am going to make quite a few posts about it. The smaller discussion is about The Shack . The larger discussion is about what it represents theologically in our particular time and place. Whether you are postmodern, anti-postmodern, or somewhere in between, you need to be fluent in this discussion. Our culture is headed in a particular direction; it is not turning back. And the church is here to bring the gospel to whatever culture it lives in. That means, among other thing, understanding the terrain that shapes both non-Christians and Christ...