Global Thursdays!

This is an invitation to participate in God's love for the world. One of the ways we can do that is by praying… praying and fasting, actually. Global Thursdays are a day each week when we band together to pray and fast for God to act in our world. Fasting is an intense spiritual activity that focuses us on God and his will. We fast and pray for the world as an expression of solidarity with those who are poor and humility before God.

Global Thursdays are happening at Sanctuary Covenant Church, but they could happen anywhere. We invite you to join in!

Here are some suggested ways to participate in Global Thursdays:
  • Set aside 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM as a special time to remember people who don’t know God.
  • Fast in whatever form you can. You can abstain from food, coffee, sweets, TV, Facebook, email, or something else that is meaningful to you.
  • Pray for whomever in the world God puts on your heart.
  • Pray especially for our May Haiti team.
  • Practice missional living today by showing the love of God to someone who doesn't know him.
  • Follow the Spirit's leadings throughout the day.
  • Set aside the money you would have spent on food during Global Thursday and donate it to a charitable cause. 


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