What's it like to go on a team to Haiti? (A game of "Would You Rather...")

What's it like to go on a mission team to Haiti? Play this game of "Would you rather..."

(BTW, all these things happened on our trip...)

Would you rather...
Eat a peanut M&M that had rolled across the floor of the airplane and ended up under the shoe of someone who had just spent the last several days walking around dirt roads in Haiti
Eat soup that had been prepared with the head and intestines of a goat

Would you rather...
Eat meat that sat outside for a few hours and had flies crawling on it
Eat food prepared in a kitchen that had fly paper, covered with dead and dying flies, lying on the counter

Would you rather...
At the end of an extraordinarily long travel day after spending a week in Haiti… Have breath that smells so bad you can smell it yourself
Have feet that smell so bad that your friends complain

Would you rather...
Spend three hours on a plane that is stuck on the tarmac, seated next to a screaming baby and his crying mother
Lose your passport, identification, and cash in the airport

Would you rather...
Suffer through a 22-hour travel day and still end up being stranded 400 miles from home
Find that during those 22 hours, you apparently missed the rapture that was supposed to happen on May 21

Would you rather...
Not  be able to communicate at all
Accidentally play the part of the arrogant American who stumbles over your Creole and says to a poor woman who had just kindly invited you into her tiny shanty house, “You’re welcome.”

Would you rather...
Have a shower with clean water but have to put on dirty clothes
Have a shower with not-so-clean water and put on clean clothes but be dripping with sweat within minutes

Would you rather...
Have acute digestive issues
Have an unknown, unidentified, tropical rash that might be scabies

Would you rather...
Be covered with mosquito bites all over your body
Have a case of “tropical 3rd-world ankles” (characterized by swelling, scratches, bites, and rashes)

Would you rather...
Teach a teenage Haitian boy a vocational skill so he can make a living
Worship with people who inspire you so much that they teach you how to worship

Would you rather...
Pray for a family so poor that they are all badly malnourished, the kids don’t go to school, and they are only partially clothed
Have that same family pray for you

Would you rather...
Grieve because you are leaving people in Haiti whom you have grown to love overnight
Return to the members of your family and at Sanctuary, whom you have loved for a long time


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