Taize prayer and the resolve never to run away from God's call

Today I viewed a video on the history of the Taize contemplative prayer community in France, and one line jumped out at me. The community had grown and grown, even to the point that Pope John Paul II visited the Taize community in 1986. Reflecting years later on this momentous occasion, Brother Roger, founder of Taize, said,
"Ah! We became aware that God was expecting something from us."
What a statement -- so simple yet a thought to stop and reflect over. "We became aware..." Becoming aware assumes two things. First, we are always catching up to God. Second, we do well when we pay attention to his movements.

"God was expecting something of us." Interesting way to put things! What is God expecting of us? I ask this question about Sanctuary Church. What does God expect? What is our calling? What has he put in front of us, and how can we respond as disciples of Jesus?

We can also ask these questions of ourselves. In fact, Brother Roger goes on to say,
"And we would like to pay close attention to the vocation God places in the heart of every Christian. So running away from God's call is out of the question. We will not run away from responsibility. Never."
Great movements of God are born first of God and second of a response like Brother Roger's. We hear in his words a steadfast resolve never to say no to God. It reminds me of Mary's famous response when the angel told her God wanted her to carry the Savior of the world: "I am the Lord's servant. May your word be fulfilled."

What does God expect of me? What is my calling today? What has he put in front of me, and how can I respond as a disciple of Jesus?


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