Making a commitment to live in God's presence

There is no greater calling or privilege than prayer. I keep getting better at it, and yet I struggle. I find it necessary to keep reading books on prayer so I can be keep on my toes. Otherwise I regress.
Brother Lawrence working in the monastery
kitchen -- his personal school of prayer

Lately as I have been working on a chapter of a forthcoming book on living in God's presence, I have re-read Brother Lawrence's Practice of the Presence of God. It has energized me. Honestly, there is nothing I want more in life than to live closely with God at all times. Brother Lawrence wanted the same thing, and through much trial and error, he found a simple way of praying that changed his life. He simply directed his attention to God at all times.

Once he committed to this practice, he never turned back. However, it took years of training before he had a major breakthrough, after which things came much easier. The commitment was something like this: "God is more loving to me than I could ever deserve. I am convinced that my only business in this life is to please him. From now on, I am determined always to be with God, to please God, and love God. I am going to do this with every action, all through each day."

I have recommitted myself to this way of life. Want to come along for the ride? I will write a couple more posts to talk about what practicing God's presence looks like.


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