Heavenly moments

Last night I participated in an all-night prayer and worship service at our church. I got there at 11:00 and didn't leave until 4:00. And I could have stayed longer. There's something about being in an atmosphere of worship in the middle of the night that makes you lose track of time. You are removed from other places, and your appointment calendar is irrelevant (other than wondering whether you will be coherent for the things you need to do the next day). In a very real way, it felt heavenly. God was personally present, and we were caught up in enjoying him in community with each other. It reminded me of the heavenly city in Rev 21.

I am relishing the experience of last night (more properly, this morning). A very real sense of peace is lingering well into the day. Isn't that what we Christians call an "after glow"?

And yet I also have to look into the future. I am re-energized to create an atmosphere in my daily life that lends itself to heavenly moments happening. We can't force or construct those moments, because they are gifts of God's grace. But we can put ourselves in the place where they are most likely to happen. That means resting in God's presence on a daily basis. It means clearing my mental and emotional calendar for the time I am enjoying God. It means expressing myself intimately to him. It means bringing my friends into that same place whenever I can. Here's to finding these heavenly moments in spite of the frenetic pace of our lives.


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