Street wisdom: Prayer changes our perspective

I just came from my weekly prayer meeting with street folks at Loaves and Fishes. One of the men
who attends frequently asked me, “How do you feel as you drive to Loaves and Fishes in the morning? Do you experience anything special?”

I thought for a moment and then replied, “It all depends on what has happened before I get in the car. When I feel rushed and haven’t connected with God well, and I usually don’t feel anything special. But when I have spent good time with God to start the day, I look forward to seeing my wife and kids in the morning, and I feel closer to God as I drive here.”

He said, “The reason I come to these prayer meetings is because when I take time with God in the morning, I feel better about things and experience more peace throughout the day. I am able to deal with people who are mistreating me or other people. There’s a difference between a day when I have prayed in the morning and a day when I haven’t.”


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