Celebrating the light of the world in spectacular fashion

All through the Advent season, we at Sanctuary Church have been focusing on finding stillness in a busy season. We enter the Christmas season with a desire to draw close to God and show love to others. However, the hustle and bustle of our December schedules can thwart our ability to be still with God. What can we do to create and protect stillness in our lives during December?

We have noticed in the Christmas story, that God visits people in quiet places at quiet times. We saw in the story of Mary that God visits someone with a quiet heart -- that is, Mary is not clamoring to have everything her way. She is ready to receive whatever God wants to give her.

Ah, stillness. It is delicious any time of the year but especially during the Christmas season... And then one of my friends sent me this. Stillness, be gone! :-)

In light of all we have talked about at church, I got a kick out of the Christmas lights video. I like it! It's just such an in-your-face juxtaposition from the theme of stillness that I couldn't help but appreciate the irony. The fact is, we can't be still -- and shouldn't be still -- all through the Christmas season. It is a time to celebrate as much as it is a time to find stillness. These people do the celebrating well. Still, I'm glad I don't live next door to them. 


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