Authenticity is necessary for transformation

No authenticity, no transformation. That's the way it is.

Whether you are a man or a women, I would like to recommend a recent post by my friend, Suzie Lind, leader of women's ministries at King's Harbor Church in Redondo Beach. Suzie makes the point that in women's ministries, authenticity is necessary for true transformation to happen. She's absolutely right. At one point in the post, she refers to our "church face." That's the moral and spiritual face we can easily put on when we are in churchy circles. Authenticity means setting aside the "church face" in favor of our real face. If all we give people is our church face, then church events become opportunities to dress up and display our church face. In that case, there is neither authenticity nor transformation. If we show people our real face, then we can really be transformed. It doesn't matter whether we are men or women. Authenticity is necessary for transformation.

Enjoy the post!


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