A prayer from Scripture for your family or yourself

Praying Scripture is one of the ways we can add depth and vitality to our prayer life. This morning I read Psalm 122, which is a prayer over Jerusalem. It struck me that I could adapt it as a prayer over my family. This prayer could also be said over a group of friends or coworkers or anybody, really. It also makes an excellent prayer to say over yourself. I will include a couple of different adaptations and the original. Happy praying!

For my family...
Father in heaven, may all who love and support my family prosper.
May there be shalom within my family. May we be well and our relationships be whole.
May you prosper us.
For the sake of everyone my family influences, I will pray,
"May we have shalom."
Because you have made us holy, a temple for your very presence,
strengthen me to seek what is best for my family, O Father.
For myself...
Father in heaven, may all who love and support me prosper.
May there be shalom within me. May I be well and my relationships be whole.
May you prosper me.
For the sake of everyone I influence, I will pray,
"May I have shalom."
Because you have made me holy, a temple for your very presence,
strengthen me to seek what is best for myself, O Father.
The original prayer from Psalm 122 for Jerusalem (in NLT)...
May all who love this city prosper.
O Jerusalem, may there be peace within your walls
And prosperity in your palaces.
For the sake of my family and friends I will say,
"May you have peace."
For the sake of the house of the Lord our God,
I will seek what is best for you, Jerusalem.


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