
This morning (Monday) we prayed as a team that God would surprise us with opportunities to serve people. This afternoon he answered.

I had been talking to Susette Manassero (one of the host missionaries) about things the team had on its heart. She knows Sanctuary teams as teams that want to do something impactful for individual families, one at a time. On past trips, we have been privileged to have three houses built for Haitian families displaced from their homes by the earthquake in January 2010. This time we lack the funds for a house. But it looks like God is opening another door for us. The following idea was voiced by Susette, but it really seems like it has come from God.

Yooveline is a young woman who, at age 18, is already a single mother. She has bounced around from place to place and is living in the nearby tent city. Both of her parents have passed away. She has felt like she has been at the end of her rope in recent weeks. As of today, she didn't even have diapers for her son. Life is very difficult for Yooveline, but she is a fighter. She has taken up learning how to bake with Brittany Bohlinger, and this means at least a little income. Brittany tells more about Yooveline here.

To make a long story short, it looks like rather than building a house for someone, we are going to have the privilege of getting Yooveline and her 8-month old son into an apartment. It is dangerous for a young woman to live alone in a tent city. Any other arrangements are an improvement. We will be looking for a place that is safe and clean.

This afternoon our team got to meet Yooveline and her son. Through an interpreter, we told her that God had given us financial resources, and now he has put it on our hearts to bless her. We explained that God's eyes are on her and her son, and he is showing her his grace. (Not everyone's problems get solved in the world, or even in this little neighborhood. But when something like this happens, it is cause for rejoicing!)

This kind of thing moves me (David) so deeply that even at tonight's team meeting, I couldn't really talk about it. We are seeing God act powerfully in the life of a young mother and child who are in great need. I am going to bed with a full heart. Whatever else God has in store for this trip, it must be incredible.

We will keep you posted on this breaking story. Be praying for Yooveline and her son -- and that we find the very best place for them!


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